2025 Texas AFL-CIO Scholarship Program Deadline January 31, 2025

WHO MAY APPLY: Members or children of members of local unions or children whose legal guardians are members of local unions that are affiliated with the Texas AFL-CIO and the local Central Labor Council. Applicants must be high school seniors who are planning to attend a university, college or technical institute in the summer or fall term. Scholarships are one-time grants of $1,500.
Application forms are available at the bottom of this page, from your Central Labor Council, or from the Texas AFL-CIO Education Department - P. O. Box 12727, Austin, Texas 78711. THE POSTMARK DEADLINE FOR APPLYING IS FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 2025.
TO ENSURE PROPER PROCESSING: Please be sure to list the Central Labor Council with which your parent’s or legal guardian’s local union is affiliated. Make sure the application is signed by a union officer and a parent or legal guardian. Include an official school transcript and if applicable, proof of legal guardianship. If you are unsure that your local union is affiliated with your local Central Labor Council, please contact one of your local union officers.
PLEASE MAIL APPLICATIONS TO: TEXAS AFL-CIO EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – P. O. BOX 12727, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711. Incomplete applications will not be processed. To avoid any mail delays, we encourage you to submit your application electronically as well to the following email scholarship@texasaflcio.org. Please put your First & Last Name in the subject line.
A letter with website links on organized labor will be sent to each applicant in March to prepare for a test about unions. If you do not receive your letter, please contact your central labor council, a local union officer, or the Texas AFL-CIO.
SELECTION PROCESS: Each Central Labor Council will arrange all interviews and tests for applicants no later than April 25, 2025. Please contact your Central Labor Council if you have not received notice of an interview by April 4, 2025. YOU MUST BE TESTED AND INTERVIEWED BY THE CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL DISTRICT IN WHICH YOUR LOCAL UNION IS AFFILIATED.
After interviews and tests are conducted, each local Central Labor Council will select semi-finalists from among their applicants. Applicants' financial need, academic achievements, extra-curricular activities, and his/her understanding of the labor movement as demonstrated by the test scores and interviews will be considered.
The statewide Scholarship Committee of the Texas AFL-CIO will select winners from among the semi-finalists. The results will be mailed to all applicants. Winning applicants’ names will be announced in Texas AFL-CIO communications forums.
If you are awarded a scholarship, please contact the Texas AFL-CIO Education Department in writing or via email to scholarship@texasaflcio.org and give us the name and address of the university, college or technical institute you plan to attend. The scholarship will be paid directly to the school of your choice upon acceptance.
For further information, contact your local union officer, Central Labor Council or the Texas AFL-CIO at (512) 477-6195 or scholarship@texasaflcio.org.
2025 High School Scholarship Application
2025 High School Scholarship Application
Nov 19, 2024

Townhall with your At&t SW Bargaining Team